Toyama Prefecture Travel Guide
Popular cities in Toyama Prefecture
Trip time! Discover the castle, culture and festivals in quaint Toyama.
Reasons to visit
- Toyama City Hall Observation Tower
- Toyama Castle
- Tomi Canal Kansui Park
Escape to Tateyama! Enjoy its adventures, natural setting and monuments.
Reasons to visit
- Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route
- Kurobe Dam
- Mt. Tateyama
Explore quaint Nanto: its culture, skiing, natural setting and more!
Reasons to visit
- Suganuma Gassho-zukuri Village
- Gokayama Folklore Museum
- Gunpowder Ingredient Museum
Come to Kurobe and enjoy its monuments, art and skiing.
Reasons to visit
- Sarutobi Gorge
Come to Takaoka and enjoy its temples, monuments and history.
Himi awaits: its adventures, parks, museums and more!